Instructor Preparation

A successful review process begins with solid instructor preparation. After checking off the items below, you will be eligible to apply to the WVC POCR Team.

For Course Authors

The skills and principles of effective online course design will translate to a course that meets all alignment points in the OEI Course Design Rubric and accessibility. Successful completion of one or more following courses are appropriate to prepare instructors for course review:

  • WVC Online Academy (no additional sections are being offered at this time)
  • @ONE (OTD)
  • @ONE
  • Previous experience aligning a course (either as author or reviewer) with another college’s POCR team
  • Other equivalent training and experience with the CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric (to be determined on a case-by-case basis)
For Course Reviewers

Before participating as a reviewer with the WVC POCR team, you must complete the @ONE Peer Online Course Review (POCR) course. The WVC POCR team leaders will provide registration links for this course.