POCR Academy

Great Opportunity for Faculty to Take Online Teaching to a Higher Level

Many WVC faculty have asked for a follow-up to the WVC Online Academy that was offered in 2020-2021, in order to continue their learning of online pedagogy and course design, and this led to the creation of the POCR Academy.

The POCR Academy consists of four 2-hour interactive online synchronous workshops that review the four components of the : Content Presentation, Interaction, Assessment, and Accessibility. Faculty will be presented with the elements of each component, approaches for analyzing online course design and content, and examples of what these approaches can look like when applied.

Participants will have opportunities to practice applying some (not all) Rubric elements to make changes in their own courses and share their work with others (for ex., use of rubrics for an assignment). These opportunities will be available during the workshops and also in our shared WVC POCR Academy Canvas course shell.

Faculty who participate in all four workshops and who complete a small portfolio of work showing their ability to apply key rubric elements can be provided with stipend compensation for eight (8) hours.

As part of our full WVC POCR Program, the POCR Academy can help faculty get prepared if they want to apply to participate in the full year-long POCR process of completely (100%!) aligning an online asynchronous course to the CVC Course Design Rubric.