UC Transfer

Map of UC schools

Community college students can become eligible to transfer to any of the following campuses:

Minimum Admission Requirements to transfer as an Upper Division Transfer Student
  1. Complete 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable college credit with a GPA of at least 2.4 (2.8 for nonresidents). No more than 14 semester (21 quarter) units may be taken Pass/Not Pass.
  2. Complete the following course pattern requirements:
    • Two transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units each) in English composition
    • One transferable college course (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units) in mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning
    • Four transferable college courses (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units each) chosen from at least two of the following subject areas:
      • the arts and humanities
      • the social and behavioral sciences
      • the physical and biological sciences

Keep in Mind

  • Each course must be worth at least 3 semester or 4 quarter units.
  • Students need to earn a grade of C or better in each course or a Pass (P) grade if pass is equivalent to a C (2.00).
  • Higher GPAs may be required for admission to impacted majors and campuses as well as scholarships.
  • AP exam scores of 3, 4, or 5 may be used in appropriate subject areas for GE purposes. Campus policy on using AP scores for major credit varies. 

UC minimum admission requirements represent exactly that — the minimum academic standards transfer students must attain to be eligible for admission. However, meeting the minimum eligibility requirements does not guarantee admission. Often, admission to UC campuses and/or programs is extremely competitive and requires students to satisfy more demanding standards.

General Education

It is strongly recommended that you begin your general education requirements prior to transferring. There are two ways you can satisfy general education requirements:

  • Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a series of courses certified by the California community college you may complete in order to satisfy the freshman/sophomore level general education requirements at UC and CSU.
  • UC campus-specific requirements: Each school and college at every UC campus has its own set of general education classes.

Some majors, such as engineering or the biological, physical and natural sciences, do not recommend IGETC. They encourage applicants to complete requirements for their major over completing general education courses. Other majors may require or recommend you complete either IGETC or campus-specific general education requirements before you transfer.

To see which campus and/or major recommends that you follow the IGETC or their campus-specific requirements, consult or the .

Major Preparation Courses

Visit to see what courses the campus you are applying to require (or recommend) you complete at West Valley prior to transferring. You should also check each school’s individual website if you are applying to an impacted major. If you are unsure what UC campuses you want to apply to, you can follow a UC . Following one of these pathways gives you a clear roadmap to prepare for your major while keeping your options open to transfer to any of their nine undergraduate campuses. are available in 20 of their most popular majors:

  • Anthropology
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Business administration
  • Cell biology
  • Chemistry
  • Communication
  • Computer science
  • Economics
  • Electrical engineering
  • English
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Molecular biology
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

How to Apply

You need to apply to transfer between November 1–30 of the year PRIOR to the fall you want to attend. You can beginning in August.

Very few UC campuses accept students for the Winter and Spring terms. See which are open if you are interested in transferring for these terms.

For information about applying to a UC, start . You can also review . The application also asks you to answer a series of (PIQs). The UC also provides a to help you brainstorm your responses. 

You can schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor at any time should you need individual assistance in completing your application. The Transfer Center also offers application workshops and drop-ins during the fall semester. Visit our Transfer Calendar to see when we are offering these workshops. The Success Center also offers drop-in assistance for Personal Insight Questions. 

See Transfer Brochure