Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if a course is transferable?

After the description of every course (in the schedule of classes, the catalog, or on the Portal), courses indicate if they are transferable to a CSU and/or UC campus with a notation enclosed in a parenthesis.

How do I know which GE pattern to follow?

There are 2 transfer GE patterns you can choose from to transfer to a UC or CSU campus: the IGETC and the CSU GE

  • IGETC: This GE pattern is accepted at both UC and CSU campuses.
  • CSUGE: This GE pattern is only accepted at CSU campuses.

Private and out-of-state universities have their own GE patterns. Some accept the IGETC and/or the CSU GE. You need to consult their individual website to see what they accept.

Do I need an Associate’s Degree (AA/AS/AA-T/AA-S/ADT) in order to transfer to a 4 year university?

No. Obtaining Associate’s Degree is optional. However, it may give you priority admission to a CSU or a California Private College/University depending on your major and college where you want to transfer.

How long will it take me to transfer?

Most students tend to transfer within anywhere between 2-4 years. STEM majors tend to take longer to transfer simply because we offer so many of the pre-requisites needed for their majors. Transferring is not dependent on time; it is dependent on units. If you are a full time student who takes courses year round (including winter and summer terms), you will transfer at a faster rate than students who need to take fewer units per semester due to work and/or home responsibilities.

I went to, and instead of indicating the course I need to take, it shows “No course articulated.” What does that mean?

The “No course articulated” notation indicates that an equivalent course for that requirement or recommendation is not currently offered at West Valley. If it’s recommended, you simply will take that course after you transfer. If it’s a requirement, you should see what other local community colleges offer it. It is recommended that you meet with a counselor to discuss your options. 

Do I need to inform someone at West Valley if I want to obtain an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T, ADT)?

Yes. You need to apply for your ADT/AA-T/AS-T in Admissions and Records at the beginning of the last semester that you will complete your ADT/AA-T/AS-T. To apply for your degree, visit your student portal and select "Apply to Graduate." You will not be awarded a degree if you don’t apply to graduate. The deadline varies each semester, so you will need to check the Academic Calendar for details. 

How do I request my IGETC and/or CSU GE certification? 

To request a GE certification, log onto your student portal and go to My Records. There will be an option to order an official transcript. On this ordering form, there is an option to select an IGETC or CSU GE certification. 

How many units do I need to transfer?

You need a minimum of 60 transferable units to transfer with junior standing and receive priority admission to a UC or CSU campus. For private and out-of-state universities, the units required vary from just a few units to 60. Please refer to each college’s individual website for more information.

How do I know which classes are required for my major if I want to transfer to a UC or CSU campus?

If you are transferring to a UC or CSU campus, visit to see what courses they require (or recommend) you complete at West Valley prior to transferring. Many CSUs prefer that you follow the Associate Degree for Transfer if it’s available for your major. However, you should still check to see if there are any additional requirements. UCs follow as well, but if you are still unsure what UCs you will apply to, you should visit UC Pathways to see the minimum major preparation courses that all UC campuses have agreed to accept.

When do I apply to transfer to a UC?

For fall admission, students need to apply between November 1-30 of the year PRIOR to the fall semester you want to attend.

Some campuses are open on a limited basis for winter and spring admission, but it changes from year to year. To see if a campus is open for mid-year admissions, please go to the website.

How do I apply to a University of California (UC) campus?

You can apply online on their . You can begin your application as soon as you become a student at West Valley by opening a account. The information you provide on TAP will pre-populate into your once you are ready to apply to transfer.

Aside from completing 60 units, are there any required courses that I need to complete prior to transferring to a UC?

Regardless of your major, all students must complete 1 course from each of the following 3 GE areas:

  • Area 1A – Written Communication: English 1A
  • Area 1B – Critical Thinking: English 1B, 1C, 1CH, Philosophy 3, 17
  • Area B4 – Mathematical/Quantitative Reasoning: Math G, 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 8, 10, 10H, 12, 19

In addition to the above courses, you also have to complete 4 classes chosen from at least two of the following subject areas:

  • the arts and humanities
  • the social and behavioral sciences
  • the physical and biological sciences
  • Please note: although a Communications course is not required for admission to a UC, you must complete ONE of the following Communication courses if you want to obtain an Associate Degree for Transfer: Comm 1, 10, 10H or 20

Some UCs also require that you complete specific major preparation courses. Consult and/or the university’s undergraduate admissions and departmental website for more information.

Please refer to the UC tab on our website for more information about transferring to a UC campus.

Aside from completing 60 units, are there any required courses that I need to complete prior to transferring to a CSU?

Regardless of your major, all students need to complete 30 semester units of general education courses with a grade of C or better. Within those 30 units, students must complete one course from each of the following 4 GE areas (known as The Golden Four):

  • Area A1 – Oral Communication: Comm 1, 10, 10H or 20
  • Area A2 – Written Communication: English 1A
  • Area A3 – Critical Thinking: English 1B, 1C, 1CH, Philosophy 2, 3 or 17
  • Area B4 – Mathematical/Quantitative Reasoning: Math D, G, 1, 2, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 8, 10, 10H, 12, 14, 19

Some CSUs also require that you complete specific major preparation courses (major coursework can also count towards your general education requirements). Consult and/or the university’s undergraduate admissions and departmental website for more information.

Please refer to the CSU tab on our website for more information about transferring to a CSU campus.

When do I apply to transfer to a CSU?

You need to apply to transfer October 1 – November 30 of the year PRIOR to the fall semester you want to attend the CSU. If you want to transfer for the Spring semester, you should apply August 1-31. It’s important to note that not all CSU campuses accept students for the spring semester. To find out if a CSU campus is open for spring admission, visit .

How do I apply to a California State University (CSU) campus?

You can apply online at .

How do I know which classes are required for my major if I want to transfer to a private or out-of-state university?

For private and out-of-state universities, you need to consult their individual website. We have created a database of schools where we have equated courses from certain schools to courses at West Valley. To see the list of these colleges with links to our course by course equivalency, go to the Articulation website. If the school you want to transfer to does not show up on the list, you can still transfer to that school. It is likely that we do not transfer many students to that university, so we have not created a course-by-course equivalency yet. If that is the case, please meet with a counselor for further assistance.

When do I apply to transfer to a private or out-of-state university?

The deadlines vary by school. You need to visit the college’s individual website to learn about their application deadline.

How do I apply to a private or out-of-state university?

Some universities use the as their application platform. Others use their own specific admission application. You need to visit their website to see what they use.

How can I obtain credit for an AP exam?

If you received a score of 3, 4, or 5 on an AP exam, you may be able to earn credit towards your CSU GE or IGETC requirements. You need to provide an official transcript of the scores to the front desk in the Counseling department and ask them to evaluate it. To see what GE area your AP exam can fulfill, please refer to the course catalog. If you would like an AP exam to count towards your major, you need to refer to the CSU or UC campus you are interested in transferring to in order to see if they will accept it for your major.