Faculty Resources


Supporting DESP Students Online

  • If instructors have received notification from DESP that students receive extended test time, the amount of time is indicated in the notification and tests should be extended in Canvas by that amount of time. See Canvas Guide:
  • DESP will work with faculty who are not administering tests in Canvas.
  • If students need technology during tests, DESP will work with students to address individual needs.
  • Use of Proctorio test proctoring service may create challenges for students with disabilities. DESP will work with faculty and students to address individual needs.
  • Numerous students receive peer notetaking as an accommodation. If instructors are delivering content asynchronously via Canvas, peer notetaking should not be needed. DESP will work with students to address individual needs.
  • If instruction is being delivered synchronously via Zoom, lecture notes are typically provided in the following ways:
    • Instructor-created PowerPoints or lecture notes
    • Zoom video recordings with transcripts
    • Peer notetakers
    • Smartpens and notetaking apps for tablets, phones and computers.

DESP will work with students to address individual needs. Also see .

Some students use sign language interpreters or real-time captioners to access instruction. Interpreters hired by DESP will need to be given the class Zoom link by instructors.

  • Instructor-created videos need to have accurate captions. Auto-generated captions need to be reviewed for accuracy and edited as needed.
    • For YouTube see .
    • For Panopto see .
  • Pre-recorded lectures or videorecordings of lectures recorded in Zoom and shared in Canvas need to have captions. At this time, until we have a different platform available for faculty, please .
  • Pre-recorded lectures and other instructor-created videos can be captioned without cost. Faculty can use their college email to sign up for an account with . Once your media file is uploaded, select Details & Options and then select Submit this Media for Captioning.
  • Curated videos also need to have captions. Instructors should check for and assess the quality of the captions before including a video in a course. Videos with captions will have a CC in the video player toolbar.

Documents and Canvas pages included in a course must be accessible for students, particularly students with visual disabilities.

See Accessibility Resources for instructions on how to create accessible Word documents, PDFs and PowerPoints.

See these free, self-paced courses offered by @ONE:

If e-books are selected for a course, or if printed textbooks have online content that is assigned, they must be accessible for students, particularly students with visual disabilities. Please check with the publisher to make sure that the book meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level Double-A standards .

DESP may be able to convert digital textbooks to accessible formats. Please check with DESP.