Frequently Asked Questions

Prospective Students

Noncredit classes are completely FREE to students. They do not transfer between colleges, do not count towards your GPA since you do not earn a grade, can be repeated as many times as you'd like, and do not require "prerequisite" classes (having to take class 1 before being able to take class 2). Additionally, at WVC most noncredit classes do not require textbooks, and we provide loaner textbooks to students in the classes that do use them.

  1. Online Noncredit Application ***PREFERRED METHOD FOR NEW NONCREDIT STUDENTS***
    For students who only wish to take noncredit courses, the online Noncredit Application is the easiest way to apply. It asks fewer questions, does not require a Social Security Number/ITIN, and does not require verification of in-state residency. Additionally, this form has a section to register for classes in addition to applying to the college. As long as you are applying at least two weeks before you wish to begin classes, this is the preferred application method for noncredit students.
  2. CCCApply (for students taking credit-based [paid] courses)
    While noncredit students can apply via , there are significantly more questions than on the noncredit application, and registering for classes is done separately after your application is approved. However, if you plan on taking credit-based (paid) courses in addition to noncredit (free) courses, you should register via . This is also the best option if you would like to begin attending class less than two weeks after applying.
  3. Paper Application
    The paper application can be used for noncredit applications, but the online Noncredit Application or are preferred. It asks the same questions and can include class registration like the online Noncredit Application but requires you to email or mail to the School of Continuing Education.

Noncredit classes DO NOT qualify for Federal and State financial aid programs such as Pell Grant, Cal Grant, work-study, federal student loans, etc.

Scholarships are the one area that many noncredit students may qualify for. Scholarships, like grants, are free money that does not need to be paid back. However, scholarships are funded by individuals or companies, not by the government. As such, the requirements to receive scholarships vary widely and may not be tied to the students GPA or the number of units being taken. Free websites such as can help you find scholarships that you may be eligible for, as can paid websites, such as

Applying to the college means that you are going through the process of becoming a student at 69蹤獲 (WVC). Once your application is approved, you are a WVC student and able to register and take classes.

Once you are a WVC student, youll be assigned a student ID number. That student ID number allows you to register for classes. Registering is when you sign up to take a specific class.

No! Noncredit classes are not considered a public benefit, and can actually help you increase your totality of circumstances by improving your education and skills. Part 4 of Form I-944 specifically asks about education, providing a space to show that you are increasing your ability to become or remain self-sufficient.

Current Students

As long as you take at least one class per year, your student account will remain active and you will continue to be able to register for classes. If you do not take classes for at least a year, your account gets marked inactive and you will need to reapply to the college in order to reactivate your account.

If you registered for 69蹤獲 using CCCApply, you are eligible to take credit-based classes. If you registered as a noncredit student using the "Noncredit Application and Registration" form or the PDF application form, you will need to reapply to West Valley using CCCApply.

This is the 9-digit number assigned to you when you apply to the college. Often referred to as your student ID or college ID, this number grants you access to many in-person college services and is used to access some of the online services as well. All student IDs begin with "G0", which is why it's also sometimes referred to as your "G-zero" number.

Single Sign-On: 69蹤獲 uses Microsoft to run many of our services. Microsoft provides your student email account, and anywhere you see the words "Single Sign-On", such as on Canvas or the WVC Portal, you can use your student email address and email password to log in.

Canvas: Canvas is the online software platform that you use to access your class. Online classes are accessed entirely through Canvas, and in-person classes frequently use Canvas for group collaboration, for classmates to message each other, for instructors to "post" class materials for students to download and use, and more. You should use Single Sign-On to log in to Canvas, but you can also access it using your student ID.

WVC Portal, Portal, or my Portal: The WVC Portal is where you can access many college services, such as registering and dropping classes, viewing transcripts, accessing Canvas, updating your personal information, access Starfish, and more. You should use Single Sign On to log in to the WVC Portal, but you can also access it using your student ID.

When you become a WVC student, the college provides you with an email account. This email account is how you log in to many of the online services offered by the college, and is the main way that your instructor(s) will communicate with you. Student email addresses end in "". You can forward your West Valley email to your personal email address.