100 Days and Beyond

100 Days & Beyond

Vision, hope, and action must begin with listening. During my first 100 days, I embarked on a listening tour to establish rapport with the campus community and reviewed key operational and college planning documents with the leadership team to make sure we are meeting college and district priorities.

I have thoroughly enjoying listening and learning about the institution, its important role in the community, our campus culture and character, and our take on participatory governance processes and organizational structure. Attending art, music, and athletics events has revealed to me the many talents of our students. You have been seen and heard.

Communication connects us and as we embrace change, I am reminded of an astute observation Albert Einstein made about expectations, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” We cannot expect different results while doing the same thing.

Here are my observations and the themes from my 100 days of listening.

Four West Valley staff wearing matching shirts

Theme 1:
College Infrastructure Coherence & Continuity

The climate survey results revealed a dissatisfaction about the institution’s organizational structure. From January to March, I listened and learned about the needs, experiences and goals of the campus community. Leadership engaged faculty and staff at department chair meetings, Classified Senate, Academic Senate and Student senate.
Anthony Djedi presenting at meeting

Theme 2:
CA Foundation in Participatory Governance: Transparency & Care in College Leadership

A recurring theme throughout our conversations has been a desire for a more participatory and transparent governance structure. Alongside this, you made clear to me that our campus community craves a caring leadership style that prioritizes meaningful and open communication and a shared sense of ownership in the college’s direction.
Three West Valley staff wearing matching shirts

Theme 3:
Finding Common Ground Through Trust & Choice

I am indebted to all of the offices, departments and campus areas that hosted listening sessions to solicit your feedback. I particularly appreciate those who spoke up on what is working well and where we may improve. There is one undeniable truth I quickly understood from our conversations: West Valley faculty and staff are passionately committed to serving our students with excellence. Among the many things that unite us, this is core.
Staff at bicycle event

Theme 4:
Deepening Community Engagement

Many of you talked during my listening sessions about West Valley’s standing in the broader community, including with our external partners. A common sentiment rang through that our campus’s impact extends far beyond our campus boundaries.
Two Aztec dancers

Theme 5:
Making Sense of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice

Across the West Valley campus community, I heard a resounding commitment to serving our diverse student population from a place of authentic support and dedication to the principles of equity, inclusion and justice.
Two students focused on school project

Theme 6:
Academic Excellence Defined by Innovation & Disruption

As a cornerstone of higher education in the Saratoga, Los Gatos, Campbell and surrounding communities we serve, West Valley stands as an enduring example of academic excellence. Our status as a premier transfer institution for Silicon Valley — in the Top 10 statewide — is but one proof point.
Male graduate celebrating with diploma

Theme 7:
A Shared Commitment to Student Achievement

As you have shared with me your perspectives individually and as a campus community, a common throughline has been your unflagging dedication to supporting student achievement.

100 day report cover