WVC Online News – November/December 2022

Group of orientation leaders
In This Issue
  • Self-assessment as a Tool for Student Success
  • Use of Canvas Tools in WVC Courses
  • Student Access to Syllabi in Canvas
  • WTF - Webinars and Trainings for Faculty
    • Friday WOWs (WVC Online Workshops)
    • Live Streaming from WVC Library
    • @ONE webinars and courses

Student Self-Assessment

Self-assessment is a “process by which students monitor and evaluate the quality of their thinking and behavior when learning, and identify strategies that improve their understanding and skills.” Studies on learning and motivation, metacognition (the ability to identify, assess and know what to do to improve performance) and self-efficacy beliefs (perceptions of one’s ability to do well on a specific task) all point to self-assessment playing a pivotal role in successful student learning.

Source: “”, James H. McMillan and Jessica Hearn, Educational Horizons, Fall 2008.

CVC Rubric: C8 – Self-Assessment

The importance of student self-assessment is, in fact, one criterion in the and alignment involves that “several opportunities for student self-assessment with feedback are present” in the online course. As faculty we should be aware that some students might not know how to do this—or even that they should; this is why it is important to intentionally include self-assessment and reflection opportunities in our courses.

Examples of Self-Assessment

Here are just a few examples that can be used:

  • Exam or assignment “wrapper” where the student reflects on their performance, how they studied or prepared, and what they can do differently in the future to improve
  • Using a survey to gather the clearest/muddiest point of a particular module or concept
  • Practice quizzes that can be ungraded or provide bonus points
  • Reflective journal about the student’s learning and journey in completing a project

Use of Canvas Tools in WVC Courses

On November 8, the WVC Academic Senate endorsed the . The purpose of the guidelines is to promote student success by providing students with some consistency across our Canvas courses. Among the tools identified that are highly recommended in all courses regardless of the modality of instruction are:

  • Syllabus: Syllabus can be included in Canvas as a Canvas page, a Word file or a webpage (liquid syllabus). Faculty are encouraged to use the
  • Canvas Inbox: Use of Inbox for conducting communication with students as it streamlines communication, safeguards student authentication, and maintains a record of all communication for the faculty and college.

Other Canvas tools including the Modules (for presentation of instructional content), Gradebook, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes, Calendar and Announcements are also noted in the Guidelines for the various instructional modalities as being:

  • Highly Recommended: Critical for student success
  • Recommended: Very beneficial for students
  • Optional

WVC Policy on Student Access to Course Syllabi

Access to class and instructor information, as well as important dates for exams and projects, is an important factor in reducing student stress, and ultimately improving student retention in a course, regardless of the modality of instruction. Much of this information is included in our course syllabi, so providing students with access to syllabi throughout the semester is essential.

This is the rationale behind the WVC Academic Senate’s endorsement (Nov. 8, 2022) of the .

Accessible syllabi for all courses at WVC, regardless of the modality of instruction, will be published within the course shell of the College’s learning management system (LMS). The syllabus can be posted within the course in a variety of formats including, but not limited to:

  • As a page within the LMS (for ex., a Canvas course page)
  • Use of a syllabus tool within the LMS (for ex., Canvas syllabus)
  • A file uploaded into the course shell (for ex., a Word doc or pdf file)
  • A link to a webpage or website posted within the course shell (for ex., link to a Google page

Webinars and Trainings for Faculty
WTF in comical style letters

Do you need training to satisfy the requirement to teach online/hybrid? Per the WVMFT faculty contract, faculty scheduled to teach an online or hybrid course must either have:

Faculty teaching online (including synchronous, asynchronous, hybrid or hyflex) must have fulfilled the requirements outlined in Article 51 of the WVMFT Contract.

Friday WOWs (WVC Online Workshops)
Comical word WOW

We had a great lineup of Friday WOWs this Fall! Recordings of each session, along with resources shared in the presentation, are available in the WVC Online Faculty Resources Canvas course.

Join the more than 250 WVC faculty and staff who have joined the WVC Online Faculty Resources Canvas course. Simply email Whitney Clay or Janis Kea to access the many resources that are available at this site.

Streaming Media Available via WVC Library

The WVC Library now has its own module on the WVC Online Faculty Resources Canvas course. There you can find detailed instructions on how to embed streaming media from the different database vendors. Go to Modules > Faculty Library Resources to see how to utilize the library's many streaming resources.

Topic Dates Cost
*Introduction to Teaching with Canvas March 4 – April 1
May 27 – June 24
*Introduction to Course Design March 4 – April 1
April 29 – May 27
*Introduction to Asynchronous Online Teaching and Learning February 11 – March 11
May 13 – June 10
Introduction to Live Online Teaching and Learning March 11 – March 25 $45
Equity and Culturally Responsive Online Teaching March 4 – April 1
May 20 – June 17
Creating Accessible Course Content February 25 – March 25
June 3 – July 1
10-10-10 Communication that Matters January 21 – February 18
April 22 – May 20
Assessment in Digital Learning February 11 – March 11
April 29 – May 27
Humanizing Online Teaching & Learning April 1 – April 29 $85
Advanced Techniques with Canvas February 4 – March 4
April 8 – May 6
Equitable Grading Strategies February 18 – March 18
June 3 – July 1
* Online Teaching & Design January 21 – April 15
March 11 – June 3

Courses with * qualify for Article 51 training requirement in the WVMFT Contract. To register for a course or for more info on courses, go to the .

@ONE also offers several too!

  • Accessibility Basics
  • Accessibility in Canvas
  • Intro to Designing for Accessibility
  • Microsoft Word: Accessibility
  • PDF: Accessibility
  • Powerpoint: Accessibility
  • Videocaptioning: Accessibility
  • Popetech Instructor Accessibility Guide
  • Introduction to Alternate Media

Contact the WVC Online Team

Max Gault

Max Gault

Academic Affairs
Instructional Technology Analyst

(408) 741-2627
[email protected]
Fox 214

Jennifer Keh

Jennifer Keh

Language Arts, Social Science and WVC Online

(408) 741-2592
[email protected]

Whitney Clay

Whitney Clay

69 Online
Instructional Designer

(408) 741-2619
[email protected]
Language Arts and Social Science 1B

Janis Kea

Janis Kea

Professor, Economics

(408) 741-2538
[email protected]

WVC Online Faculty Resources Canvas Group

The WVC Online Faculty Resources Canvas course shell also has the video recordings of previous Friday WOWs, with links to resources that were shared at each session. If you don’t see this course on your Canvas Dashboard, just email the WVC%20Online%20team so that we can add you into the course shell.

To join 250+ of your colleagues in this Canvas group and access the collection of resources curated specifically for WVC instructors, email wvc.onlineFREEWEST_VALLEY