Voluntary Program Deactivation

Program deactivations need to be approved by the Department Chair, Division Dean, Curriculum Committee and Board of Trustees before they go into effect the following Fall.

Please review the questions below before beginning the Program Deactivation Workflow.

Note this will be sent to the Board of Trustees.

Discussion and reaching a consensus with all parties is critical.

  • Academic Dean
  • Department Chair
  • Embedded Counselor
  • Curriculum Representative

Gather input:

  • From your Advisory Board on the requested deactivation
  • Date of the related Advisory Board minutes

You can access these data in the WVC Data Dashboards.

Detail your department's plan to notify students of the program’s deactivation and how to complete their degree or certificate.

If yes, please be prepared to upload a table indicating a crosswalk of course substitutions.

Program Deactivation Workflows

Screenshot of deactivation tab in eLumen

Only fill in your deactivation effective term (always the following Fall) Skip Rationales and Program Justification. Answer all the applicable questions under Program Deactivation. Everything else is read-only.

Screenshot of deactivation question in eLumen