Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have curriculum or eLumen related questions? Please search below, your answer may be here!

Please also use our field by field guides on how to fill out eLumen.

Key Concepts

A Program is an organized sequence of courses, typically it is a degree or certificate.

Articulation is the process that facilitates the successful transfer of students from high and adult schools to community college and community colleges to undergraduate baccalaureate programs. It is the process of developing formal written agreements that explain how courses transfer from one institution to another, either “as comparable to” or acceptable in lieu of” specific course requirements at a receiving campus. Note all courses can potentially benefit from articulation.

Transferability includes articulation and more individualized transfer of courses from one institution to another, most importantly it requires faculty reaching out first with our Articulation Officer.

Progressive due dates are to help prevent bottlenecks. And to meet future deadlines such as Board of Trustees Approval, State Approval, C-ID Submissions, Articulation, System Updates, Load approvals, Scheduling, timely download of approved Curriculum data to produce the Catalog, Reports to the State, etc.

Career Technical Education (CTE) courses/programs are required by Title 5 to be reviewed every 2 years. Non-CTE courses/programs are required to be reviewed every 5 years.


Launch is when a workflow is started and the draft is saved. Afterwards the workflow will appear in the inbox and Curriculum Dashboard.

Any launch of curriculum in eLumen creates a new Workflow. All Workflows should either be approved or deleted within a year of launching. Deleting a Workflow gets rid of the current proposal, any already approved information will remain in the Curriculum Library. Note that only one person can make edits to a Workflow at a time, so if multiple people are signed into the same Workflow it is important that only one person edits and saves it and everyone else just clicks out of the workflow—so if your edits are not saved it may be because someone else was editing and saving at the same time.

First, try repeating your steps once (saving your answers in a word document as backup) and see if that corrects the issue. Note, if other faculty are accessing the workflow at the same time it can overwrite your work; some faculty even end up overwriting their own work because they have opened the workflow in two separate windows.

Next, if your work is still not being saved consider updating your internet browser and clearing the cache (perhaps even updating your computer).

Next to clear the cache, reopen Chrome.

At the top right, click "More."

Click "More tools." "Clear browsing data."

Click on the "Advanced" tab at the top.

At the top of the advanced tab, choose a time range.

To delete everything, select All time.

Then make sure the first four boxes are checked. The first box not checked should be "Passwords and sign-in data."

Click Clear data.

Always Fall of the next academic year.

Click the table icon (if available). It will look like a square with grids.

Type in the number of rows you need, type in the number of columns you need and select from the dropdown if you want headers. Click “Okay” and start typing your data in each box, they will expand as you type.

If you need to add or delete rows or columns, right click, scroll to row or column and select insert or delete. No need to highlight the row/column just click on one of the boxes.

Another option is to create the table in Excel and copy it over.

You can access the Curriculum Dashboard (Course eLumen Guides) at any time to see the status of your Curriculum (Stage; for courses you can see Stage and Days in Stage).

As a faculty member you have access to any course in a discipline that you teach in. You also have access to any of those programs in that same discipline.

If it is a one-time occurrence, ask a faculty member who teaches in that department to launch the revision or new course/program and add you as a contributor.

No, associate faculty have access to eLumen if they wish to work on curriculum. eLumen is also used for Program Review and SLO assessment. When working on curriculum make sure to select the correct role and functionality.


Because we need approved courses for our degrees/certificates. Scheduling for the next Fall normally occurs in November each year, so if a Department wants their course approved and available for scheduling at that time they need to obtain Board approval by then.

It means the date that your curriculum proposal or revision must have gone through the approval process and reached the Tech Review stage in eLumen; the step before Tech Review is Dean approval. The Due Date refers to the timing of Dean approval, it does not mean the workflow should be launched by that date.

The curriculum committee will make their best attempt to review at a later date, other curriculum that made their deadlines will be reviewed first. If the curriculum is too late, it will be reviewed the following year and is in danger of not being listed in the catalog pending Academic Senate decision.

  • Title Changes
  • Unit Changes
  • Hour Changes
  • Subject Code
  • Course Number

A change in total units/hours, a significant change in TOP Code, a name change of the program, seeking additional articulation.

Your curriculum revision will not move past the Tech Review stage onto a Curriculum agenda.

If the department deactivates a course that is currently in a program, changes the total hours/units, title of a course, subject code or course number.

Not yet! All curriculum must be Board of Trustees approved. Some programs still require state approval. Any new course or course that has changed units or hours must be sent to the Load Committee.

Please note board items are due one month before the meeting takes place.

Allow two weeks after the Board of Trustees meeting to update college systems.

Allow 2-3 weeks for Load Approvals.

Academic Affairs staff will email Department Chairs, Deans, Admin Specialists of any approved curriculum.