This document is intended to help faculty complete the Distance Education section of the course outline so it meets federal, state and local requirements. Please contact your Curriculum Committee Representative with any questions.
Directions: Select Distance Education as a method of instruction, and then copy/paste the following statement into the field.
Instructor uses the college’s Learning Management System to engage students in regular and substantive interaction with activities such as posting regular announcements, uploading course materials, moderating discussion forums, and providing frequent feedback on assessments and assignments.
Distance Education
What is the intent in offering the course by distance education? How will learning be enhanced by the delivery of this course by distance education?
Directions: Copy/paste into eLumen one of the two paragraphs below. Customize as needed.
An online offering of this course provides an alternative to traditional face-to-face instruction and participation for students who are unable to enroll in an on-campus course. An online offering can reach new student populations and can provide more opportunities for students to complete requirements. This course includes regular and substantive interaction between a) instructor and students, b) students and students, and c) students and course content. The course uses online technologies that accommodate the needs of students with disabilities.
In our professional field, most employers seek employees with a combination of formal education and experience working in the field. Students who work develop complementary perspectives in both theory and practice, and with that, they generally perform better in class. An online offering of this course provides an alternative to traditional face-to-face instruction and participation for students who are unable to enroll in an on-campus course because of work or other obligations. This course includes regular and substantive interaction between a) instructor and students, b) students and students, and c) students and course content. The course uses online technologies that accommodate the needs of students with disabilities.
Please indicate the type and purpose for each method of contact you use in the course.
Methods of contact must be instructor-initiated activities. While auto-graded homework assignments can contribute to learning, auto-grading is not a method of contact from the instructor. Methods of contact need to show how the instructor is actively providing instruction.
State and Federal requirements call for the following:
- Curriculum describes types of contact provided for all students in the course.
- The extra attention we provide to some but not all students, while important, cannot be part of the course outline. (Examples: progress reports only for students in special programs or any student-initiated contact.)
- The contact and interaction provided for students through distance learning courses meets all three of these criteria:
- Initiated by the instructor
- Regular and somewhat frequent
- Substantive, meaning academic in nature
Types of regular and substantive interaction, as described in the state and federal requirements, include but are not limited to the following: chat rooms, discussion forums, email, field trips, group meetings/seminars, individual meetings, lab activities, learning management system (LMS), lecture, library workshops, orientation sessions, review/study sessions, supplemental seminars, telephone/voicemail, video conferencing.
Directions: Copy/paste into eLumen all contact types that could be used for this instruction of this course. Learning Management System (LMS) must be included as a contact type. For each contact type, be sure to include the purpose statement. Customize as needed.
Contact Types
Chat Rooms
Purpose: Instructor facilitates chat room discussions on topics related to the course. Instructor evaluates and provides feedback on student participation in chat room sessions.
Purpose: Instructor sends students regular emails containing announcements, relevant content, and feedback on course assignments or overall class progress.
Discussion Forum
Purpose: Instructor moderates discussion forums, stimulates discussion and critical thinking, evaluates student participation and performance, and provides feedback.
Field Trips
Purpose: Instructor organizes field trips so that students can further their learning by experiencing relevant topics and events in real-world contexts.
Group Meetings
Purpose: Instructor provides guidance, evaluation, and feedback for student group meetings.
Individual Meetings
Purpose: Instructor provides guidance, evaluation, and feedback for individual student meetings.
Lab Activities
Purpose: Instructor provides lab opportunities, either on campus or online, where students experiment and practice with the content they are learning.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Purpose: Instructor uses the Learning Management System to post regular announcements, upload course materials, engage in discussion, evaluate and provide frequent feedback to students on assessments and assignments, and post grades.
Purpose: Instructor posts lecture materials for students to access, study, and review. Instructor may also present lecture content live through video-conference. Lecture content may be presented in a variety of formats, including but not limited to written materials, PowerPoint presentations, video clips, audio recordings, links to external sources, and collaborative web-based file-sharing tools such as Google Docs or Google Slides.
Library Workshops
Purpose: Instructor offers Library workshops designed by the college’s instructional librarians in order to help students develop the research skills needed to succeed in the course.
Orientation Sessions
Purpose: Instructor provides an orientation session designed to prepare students to succeed in the course. An orientation session may be held in person or online and covers topics such as course syllabus and schedule, required materials, instructor expectations, strategies for success, demonstrations, and student introductions.
Review/Study Sessions
Purpose: Instructor hosts review or study sessions to help students review key concepts, clarify understanding, and retain their knowledge of course content. Review/study sessions may be offered in a variety of formats such as in-person, live chat, or video-conference.
Supplemental Seminars
Purpose: Instructor provides supplemental seminar opportunities so that students can further develop their knowledge and deepen their thinking about course content.
Purpose: Instructor provides telephone contact in order to answer student questions about assignments or course content, to provide feedback on student progress, or to discuss concerns.
Video Conferencing
Purpose: Instructor provides video-conferencing sessions for the entire class in order to present content and facilitate discussion or provides opportunities for individual or group sessions in order to answer student questions about assignments or course content, to provide feedback on student progress, or to discuss concerns.
How will students meet course objectives in a distance learning environment?
Please list two (2) or more course objectives, and for each, describe methods of instruction, a sample student assignment, and of evaluation. Include as many objectives as necessary to show that themes established by the objectives are integrated into methods of instruction, evaluation and student assignments. Examples should relate specifically to the objective.
Choose at least two (2) Course Objectives from this course outline.
IMPORTANT: Carefully follow the supplemental directions provided in parenthesis with the first example below.
- Write in present tense!
- For each objective include the following:
- Objective
- Methods of Instruction
- Student Assignment
- Methods of Evaluation
Example 1: CHST001 Principles & Practices of Teaching Young Children
Objective: Interpret best and promising teaching and care practices as defined within the field of early care and education's history, range of delivery systems, program types and philosophies, and ethical standards. (Copy/paste the objective from the Learning Outcomes section in eLumen. Do NOT compose a new objective here.)
Method of Instruction: The instructor uses video-conferencing, videos, podcasts, and written material to present content. (Instructor must be the subject, or the “doer,” in this sentence.)
Student Assignment: Discussion Forum: Assess an ethical dilemma that involves children, families, and/or co-workers. Discuss why it involves ethics and formulate a defensible course of action justified by the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. Post your original response (minimum post of 400 words) by the first deadline and reply to a minimum of 3 classmates (minimum of 100 words each) by the second deadline. (This must be a specific assignment, worded to address students directly. Make sure at least one of your assignments shows how your course promotes student-student interaction.)
Method of Evaluation: The instructor evaluates discussion forum posts to assess student learning of the objective. (Say what the instructor does to assess learning of the objective.)
Example 2: BUSN036 Strategic Management
Objective: Develop strategy formation, implementation and evaluation processes.
Method of Instruction: The instructor uses videos and written material to present content.
Student Assignment: Discussion Forum: Share the strategies you have developed, including your implementation and evaluation processes. Post your initial response by the first deadline, and reply to at least two classmates’ posts by the second deadline. In your replies, start with a statement of positive feedback and then provide a suggestion to strengthen the strategy, implementation, or evaluation process they presented.
Method of Evaluation: The instructor uses a discussion forum, a quiz, and a final project to assess student learning of the objective.
Example 3: PARA021 Introduction to American Law
Objective: Describe the various components of the federal and California judicial systems.
Method of Instruction: The instructor uses video-conferencing, videos, PowerPoint slides, animations, and the e-text to present content.
Student Assignment: Complete the New York Times v. Sullivan homework activity. This assignment guides you the through the process of analyzing the First Amendment issues in the case New York Times v. Sullivan and requires written answers for each question.
Method of Evaluation: The instructor administers a quiz to assess student learning of the objective.
Describe how students will access instructional materials and resources. If you require students to purchase specific software, please describe how it will be available and supported for students.
Directions: Copy/paste into eLumen any or all of the sentences below to build your answer. Customize as needed for any additional materials or resources needed for your course.
Course materials can be accessed from the college’s Learning Management System (LMS).
Students may be expected to purchase and/or download software for this class.
Software may be available to students for a limited amount of time for free.
Some instructional materials may be available from a textbook publisher site.
The campus has limited but available computer work stations in the Library.
Support from tutors is available in the Success Center.
“Distance education courses, resources, and materials must be designed and delivered in such a way that the level of communication and course-taking experience is the same for students with or without disabilities.” (Distance Education Accessibility Guidelines, January 2011) Describe how this course (instruction, materials, videos, documents, PowerPoints, web sites, publisher materials, and resources outside the LMS) are accessible to students with disabilities.
Directions Copy/paste into eLumen all of the text below. You do not need to modify.
Instructors teaching this class adhere to all compliancy laws and standards for making course materials accessible.
This includes using content and instructional systems such as the Learning Management System, captioned videos, ADA compliant PowerPoints, ADA compliant websites, and ADA compliant documents. This also includes all publisher materials, content, and websites.
This course adheres to requirements set forth in the Electronic and Information Technology Section 508, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (amended 1998, 2000), and California SB 105 (September 2002).
Other than access to the distance learning course management system, what are the resources or technical support necessary for students and/or faculty to offer the course by distance education?
Directions: Copy/paste into eLumen all of the text below. Customize as needed for any additional resources or technical support for your course.
Students and faculty need a computer with reliable internet access; in some cases, a webcam and/or microphone may also be needed. Students can receive assistance with internet and laptop resources from the college’s Office of Student Needs. Students and faculty can access Learning Management System technical support by going to the “help” center in the LMS. Faculty can receive support and training in effective instructional methods from the 69 Online leadership team.