
Catalog 2023-2024

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Counseling Services

(408) 741-2009


The College Counseling Services is staffed by competent, highly-trained and diversely experienced counselors. The primary goal of Counseling Services is to provide opportunities for students to clarify their personal, academic, career goals; develop self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-direction, to make informed decisions, and utilize resources. Additional counselors are located in support programs (DESP, EOPS, TRIO, Career Programs, and Veteran’s Center). Counseling services include the following:

Academic Counseling

Academic counseling includes educational goal-setting, exploring educational options and opportunities, evaluating educational potential, and providing the student with clear, concise and up-to-date educational planning and transfer information.

Career Counseling


Career counseling provides the student with an opportunity for clarification and integration of career and educational goals, study of careers and life-styles, vocational and career inventories, and career decision making courses.

Personal Counseling

Personal counseling is provided to students who seek assistance in resolving personal, relational, self-identity, or health-related problems which are limiting or interfering with the student’s ability to successfully pursue a college education.

Counseling Courses

See available courses under Counseling in Schools & Areas of Study.

Learning Outcomes - Courses

After completing courses in Counseling, a student will be able to:

  • Identify strategies for making wise choices, goal setting, taking responsibility, and thinking critically about life choices;
  • Create a plan with long and short term goals to achieve their personalized educational and/or career goal.

Learning Outcomes - Services

After utilizing Counseling services, a student will be able to:

  • Identify course selections for the next semester;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of which general education pattern to follow, and how to access the major requirements needed to achieve their educational goal.

Counseling Services is located in the Student Services Center.