Catalog 2024-2025

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Associate in Science Degree for Transfer

The Associate in Science in Mathematics for Transfer degree (AS-T in Mathematics) is a 60 unit program is designed to provide lower division education to students planning to transfer to a CSU institution in pursuit of a baccalaureate degree in Mathematics. Students must complete the following requirements: 1. 60 semester or 90 quarter CSU-transferable units 2. the California State University-General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU GE-Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern. 3. a minimum of 18 semester or 27 quarter units in the major or area of emphasis as determined by the community college district. 4. obtainment of a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0. 5. earn a grade of C or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis.

Major Core Requirements (15 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
MATH003ACalculus and Analytical Geometry5 units
MATH003BCalculus and Analytical Geometry5 units
MATH004AIntermediate Calculus5 units

Major Electives List A: Select one or two (4-8 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
MATH004BDifferential Equations4 units
MATH004CLinear Algebra4 units

Major Electives List B: Select one course if only one course was chosen from List A. (0-5 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
MATH004BDifferential Equations4 units
MATH004CLinear Algebra4 units
MATH019Discrete Mathematics4 units
PHYS004AEngineering Physics - Mechanics5 units
Only one:

Elementary Statistics
Honors Elementary Statistics

4 units
4 units

Total Major Units: 23-24 units

CSU transferable electives courses are required when the major units plus transfer GE units total is less than 60.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Solve problems using mathematical symbols, operations, and techniques appropriate to the course content and level of study.
  • Construct mathematical models of physical problems, draw conclusions from these models, and communicate their conclusions.
  • Adapt general mathematical techniques to course-specific problems.
  • Formulate and test mathematical conjectures.
  • Apply appropriate technology including calculators and computers to the solution of mathematical problems.
  • Demonstrate computational, estimation, and problem-solving skills.