Catalog 2024-2025

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Early Childhood Program Director

Certificate of Achievement

The Early Childhood Program Director Certificate of Achievement requires the successful completion of 12 units of required core courses. This program provides Career Technical Education opportunities in the supervision and administration of early childhood programs. These programs may be infant, toddler, preschool, pre-K, or school-age centers. The required coursework for the certificate emphasizes the supervision and professional development of teaching staff, the accounting and fiscal health of the operating budget, the marketing of the program, the coordination of program curriculum, and the development of a system to meet the current regulations of Title 22 Community Care licensing, Title 5 CA Department of Education and/or NAEYC accreditation (National Association for the Education of Young Children). In addition, knowledge of children with special needs and inclusive practices inform EC administrators about best program policies and procedures. This program provides the student with the course work required by the State of California Department of Social Services and the Department of Education Child Development Permit which enables the student to be employed as an administrator in a state-funded program, or public or private setting. It would be desirable to have a BA degree of 24 units of ECE in addition to the certificate to best qualify for administrative positions. Students completing the certificate have demonstrated skills to fulfill the responsibilities of an administrator of an early childhood program which includes setting up and maintaining a healthy budget and keeping track of operating costs, planning for and facilitating professional staff development, interviewing and hiring teaching staff, conducting employee teacher evaluations, facilitating the problem resolution process involving teaching staff, children, and families, and maintaining currency with Title 22 and 5 regulations. Examples of employers include: before/after school-age care, infant programs, toddler programs, preschool programs, pre-kindergarten, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten. This certificate satisfies California Department of Education Title 5 coursework requirements for the Child Development Program Director and Site Supervisor Permit. It also satisfies the Department of Social Services Title 22 Community Care Licensing requirements for qualified directors in a licensed early childhood program.

Program Requirements (12 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
CHST034AIntroduction to the Child With Special Needs3 units
CHST064Supervision and Administration I3 units
CHST065Supervision and Administration II3 units
CHST085Adult Supervision in Early Childhood Programs3 units

Total Certificate Units: 12 units

To be awarded a certificate, a student must:

  1. Complete all the program requirements.
  2. Earn a grade of “C” (or "P") or better for all required courses.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Oversee and supervise a licensed early childhood program operated as a single or multiple-site according to current Title 22 or Title 5 regulations, and/or NAEYC accreditation standards.