Catalog 2024-2025

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Early Childhood Education

Associate in Science Degree

The Associate in Science in Early Childhood Education (A.S. in Early Childhood Education) is designed to prepare students to qualify for a variety of permits issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, State of California. These include a Master Teacher, Site Supervisor, and Program Director permit. Receiving an A.S. in Early Childhood Education also meets the requirement to teach in a National Head Start Program. Possible career options are: Teacher, Master Teacher, Site Supervisor, Parent Educator, Program Director, and Early Intervention Assistant.

Major Core Requirements (26 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
CHST001Principles & Practices of Teaching Young Children3 units
CHST002Child Growth and Development3 units
CHST005Diversity - Childhood and Culture3 units
CHST035Practicum in Early Childhood Education3 units
CHST035AField Experience in Early Childhood Education2 units
CHST063Child, Family, and Community3 units
CHST066Child Safety, Health and Nutrition3 units
CHST080Introduction to Curriculum3 units
CHST087Observation and Assessment3 units

Major Electives (12 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
CHST034AIntroduction to the Child With Special Needs3 units
CHST034CGuidance and Strategies for Challenging Behaviors3 units
CHST053Contemporary Education in a Changing Society3 units
CHST058EC Language and Literacy Curriculum3 units
CHST059EC Music and Movement Curriculum3 units
CHST060Early Childhood STEM Curriculum3 units
CHST064Supervision and Administration I3 units
CHST065Supervision and Administration II3 units
CHST067EC Creative Arts Curriculum3 units
CHST070Infant-Toddler Development & Care3 units
CHST085Adult Supervision in Early Childhood Programs3 units
CHST088AThe Outdoor Environment1 unit

Total Major Units: 38 units

To be awarded an Associate Degree, a student must:

  1. Achieve a grade of “C” or better in the major requirements.
  2. Completion of WVC, CSU-Breadth, or IGETC General Education patterns. Students whose goal is to obtain a bachelor’s degree should complete the CSU-Breadth or IGETC General Education pattern.
  3. Complete additional degree applicable units to meet the minimum 60-unit Associate Degree requirements.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers, families, and their communities.
  • Demonstrate ethical standards and professional behaviors that deepen understanding, knowledge, and commitment to the early childhood profession.
  • Integrate an understanding of the needs, characteristics, and multiple influences on the development of children birth to age eight as it is related to high quality care and education of young children.
  • Meet requirements to apply for and receive a Master Teacher, Site Supervisor, or Program Director permit from the California Department of Education Child Development Teacher Permit Matrix.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate environments and activities that support positive, developmental play and learning outcomes for all young children.