Support Services

CalWORKS logo

Are you a parent with children under the age of 18 receiving public assistance? In partnership with Santa County Social Services Agency, 69ÂÜÀò can help you toward self-sufficiency with education and training.

Disability Services
DESP logo

If you are a student with a disability that affects your education, the Disability and Educational Support Program (DESP) can assist you in achieving your educational goals.

EOPS logo

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) is here to assist you in making your college experience successful.

TRiO logo

TRIO is a federally funded program, which is designed to increase the retention and graduation rates of first-generation and low-income students, as well as students with a disability.

Veterans logo

69ÂÜÀò’s Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is dedicated to providing a supportive learning environment where our student veterans thrive; providing our students with a foundation for academic success and guidance to achieve their academic goals.

Undocumented Dreamer Students

69ÂÜÀò is invested in creating educational opportunities that will further the success of Dreamer Undocumented students by providing resources, programming, and training.

Foster Youth Student

WVC provides support services and resources for former and current foster youth.