
ANTH 1: Introduction to Physical Anthropology

ANTH 2: Introduction to Archaeology

ANTH 3: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

ANTH 3H: Honors Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

Academic Service

Senator-At-Large, 69蹤獲 Academic Senate - 2014 to present


Ph.D. - University of California, Los Angeles, 2002

M.A. - University of California, Los Angeles, 1998

B.A. - Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, 1996

Teaching Experience

  • 69蹤獲 - 2004 to present
  • University of California - 1998 to 2003

Current Research

  • Director, 69蹤獲 Archaeological Survey at Alum Rock Park, San Jose, California

Institutional Responsibilities

  • Co-Advisor,
  • Advisor, 69蹤獲 Roller Hockey Club


  • Political History of Latin America
  • Social Activism
  • Backpacking and Camping
  • Gardening