American Race Relations
Introduction to Sociology
Human Sexuality
Minorities in the U.S.
Social Problems
Sociology of Gender
M.A. – Sociology
B.A. – Sociology concentration in Criminology
Fall 2021 Textbooks
- Intro to Sociology – Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach (12th edition or newer) by James Henslin
- Social Problems – Social Problems (7th ed. or newer) by John Macionis
- Race and Ethnicity – Majority-Minority Relations (6th ed. with Census update) by John Farley
- Sociology of Gender – The Sociology of Gender: A Brief Introduction (4th edition) by Laura Kramer and Ann Beutel
- Marriage and Family Sociology – Families and Their Social Worlds (4th edition) by Karen Seccombe
A few days before class, students may not be able to access the course as the instructor will be updating the course. To confirm one's enrollment in the course, one can check the WVM Portal for enrollment verification.
* Students do not need to purchase any additional publisher software for the courses.
** Students can rent each course's textbooks through the Textbooks ‘N Technology Program.