Meet with a Counselor

In order to qualify for the Community Grant, you need to meet online with a West Valley counselor to create a plan for your fall coursework. You can complete this step either before or after you have taken the mandatory COUN 000A class.

(Note: If you enrolled in an EA Orientation and met with a counselor following that, you have met this requirement and do not need to follow these steps.)

Step 1: Have Key Information Ready
  1. West Valley email account
    • This is your unique email and ends in
  2. Email password
    • Your original password contains your birthdate and follows the structure Wvm@ddmmyy. For example, if your birthday was June 15, 2002, then your password is Wvm@061502
  3. West Valley ID number
    • A G followed by numbers. For example, G012345678

Step 2: Schedule A Meeting

Instructions for students (who did NOT have an IEP or 504 in High School)

  • Select "schedule meeting" from the Counseling Online page
  • Log into your West Valley account using your West Valley email and password
  • Search for an available “Comprehensive Education Plan” appointment with any counselor
  • When completing the intake form, add the comment, “New student seeking abbreviated plan for the fall”

Instructions for students who had a 504 or IEP in high school and plan to apply for our DESP program

  • Apply to the DESP program
  • Select "schedule meeting" from the DESP Online page
  • Log into your West Valley account using your West Valley email and password
  • Search for an available “New Student Intake” appointment with any counselor
  • When you are completing the intake form, add the comment, “New student seeking abbreviated plan for the fall”

Step 3: Attend Meeting

You will receive an email with a link to your counseling appointment.

NOTE: A Chrome or Firefox browser is required for the meeting.