Catalog 2024-2025

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Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

The Associate in Arts in Geography for Transfer degree (AA-T in Geography) is a 60 unit program which provides students the lower division coursework required for transfer to a CSU institution for the major in Geography. Students must complete the following requirements: 1. 60 semester or 90 quarter CSU-transferable units; 2. the California State University-General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU GE-Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern; 3. a minimum of 18 semester or 27 quarter units in the major or area of emphasis as determined by the community college district; 4. obtainment of a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; 5. earn a grade of C (or P) or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis.

Major Core Requirements (6 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
GEOG001Intro Physical Geography 3 units
Select one:

Introduction to Cultural Geography
World Regional Geography

3 units
3 units

Major Electives List A (6 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
GIST016AIntroduction to Geospatial Technology3 units
PSCI020Weather and Climate3 units

Major Electives List B: (or anything from Required Core not used) (6-8 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
ANTH002Introduction to Archaeology3 units
Only one:

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Honors Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

3 units
3 units
GEOL001APhysical Geology4 units
HIST017AUnited States History3 units
Only one:

United States History
Honors United States History

3 units
3 units
Only one:

Elementary Statistics
Honors Elementary Statistics

4 units
4 units

Total Major Units: 18-20 units

CSU transferable electives courses are required when the major units plus transfer GE units total is less than 60.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Compare and contrast different types of landforms.
  • Analyze the controls, distribution, and classification of world climates.
  • Analyze spatially related problems related to current/recent geopolitical events.