Catalog 2024-2025

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Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

The Associate in Arts in Economics for Transfer degree (AA-T in Economics) is a 60 unit program which provides students the lower division coursework required for transfer to a CSU institution for the major in Economics. Students must complete the following requirements: 1. 60 semester or 90 quarter CSU-transferable units; 2. The California State University-General Education-Breadth pattern (CSU GE-Breadth); OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) pattern; 3. A minimum of 18 semester or 27 quarter units in the major or area of emphasis as determined by the community college district; 4. Obtainment of a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; 5. Earn a grade of C (or "P") or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis.

Major Core Requirements (16-17 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
Select one:

Principles of Macroeconomics
Honors Principles of Macroeconomics

4 units
4 units
Select one:

Principles of Microeconomics
Honors Principles of Microeconomics

4 units
4 units
Select one:

Elementary Statistics
Honors Elementary Statistics

4 units
4 units
Select one:

Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Honors Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Applied Calculus

5 units
5 units
4 units

Major Electives List A: Select one (3-6 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
ACCT010Financial Accounting5 units
ACCT011Managerial Accounting5 units
BUSN028Business Law3 units
BUSN028HHonors Business Law3 units
BUSN051Introduction to Business3 units
BUSN078Business Communication3 units
CIST002Introduction to Computing4 units
CIST004AComputer Programming I (C++ Programming)4 units
CIST004A1Computer Programming I (Java)4 units
MATH001Pre-Calculus Algebra4 units
MATH002Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trigonometry6 units
MATH003BCalculus and Analytical Geometry5 units
MATH003BHHonors Calculus and Analytical Geometry5 units
MATH004BDifferential Equations4 units
POLI001American Government3 units
POLI001HHonors American Government3 units

Major Electives List B: Select one or any List A course not already used (3-5 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
ANTH003Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3 units
ANTH003HHonors Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3 units
BUSN061Business, Government, and Society3 units
GEOG002Introduction to Cultural Geography3 units
MATH004AIntermediate Calculus5 units
MATH004CLinear Algebra4 units
POLI003Introduction to Political Science3 units
POLI003HHonors Introduction to Political Science3 units
PSYC001General Psychology3 units
PSYC001HHonors General Psychology3 units
SJST001Introduction to Ethnic and Social Justice Studies3 units
SOCI001Introduction to Sociology3 units
SOCI002Social Problems3 units
WGQS001Introduction to Women's Studies4 units
WGQS001HHonors Introduction to Women's Studies4 units

Total Major Units: 22-28 units

CSU transferable electives courses are required when the major units plus transfer GE units total is less than 60.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Describe the major players and institutions that facilitate the market economy.
  • Explain how individuals and firms make choices under scarcity.
  • Analyze economic models as they apply to market economies and specific product and factor markets.
  • Describe the major players and institutions that facilitate the market economy.
  • Explain how individuals and firms make choices under scarcity.
  • Analyze economic models as they apply to market economies and specific product and factor markets.