Catalog 2024-2025

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Communication Studies

Associate in Arts Degree

The Communication Studies Associate of Arts degree provides students with the opportunity to build a variety of communication competencies that are essential to success in personal, academic, and professional environments. The Communication Studies Associate of Arts curriculum bridges theoretical concepts and lived experiences, creating a personalized and meaningful educational journey. The A.A. in Communication Studies is suitable preparation for a baccalaureate in Communication Studies, Speech Communication, or Communication. Students may also be prepared for entry level positions in related occupations.

Major Core Requirements (15 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
Only one:

Public Speaking
Honors Public Speaking

3 units
3 units
COMM004Small Group Discussion3 units
COMM007Survey of Communication: Career3 units
COMM008Interpersonal Communication3 units
Only one:

Introduction to Persuasion
Honors Introduction to Persuasion

3 units
3 units
COMM012Intercultural Communication3 units
COMM020Argumentation and Debate3 units

Major Electives (or any course not already used from above). (3 units)

Course NumberCourse TitleUnits
ANTH003Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3 units
ANTH003HHonors Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3 units
BUSN068Organizational Behavior3 units
BUSN078Business Communication3 units
CHST005Diversity - Childhood and Culture3 units
COUN024Personal Growth3 units
COUN050Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Study of Ethnicity and Race3 units
ENGL001CCritical Thinking and Writing3 units
ENGL001CHHonors Critical Thinking and Writing3 units
ETHN001Introduction to Ethnic and Social Justice Studies3 units
PHIL002Introduction to Logic3 units
POLI004International Relations3 units
PSYC001General Psychology3 units
PSYC001HHonors General Psychology3 units
PSYC017Introduction to Social Psychology3 units
SJST001Introduction to Ethnic and Social Justice Studies3 units
SOCI001Introduction to Sociology3 units
SOCI003Social Psychology: A Sociological Perspective3 units

Total Major Units: 18 units

To be awarded an Associate Degree, a student must:

  1. Achieve a grade of “C” or better in the major requirements.
  2. Completion of WVC, CSU-Breadth, or IGETC General Education patterns. Students whose goal is to obtain a bachelor’s degree should complete the CSU-Breadth or IGETC General Education pattern.
  3. Complete additional degree applicable units to meet the minimum 60-unit Associate Degree requirements.

Upon successful completion of this program a student will be able to:

  • Identify and explain concepts, perspectives, methodologies, and theories of human communication.
  • Demonstrate effective communication and presentation skills in a variety of personal, academic, and professional settings.
  • Identify, analyze, and evaluate their own verbal and nonverbal messages, as well as those of others, in a variety of contexts.
  • Increase communication competency in personal, academic, and professional contexts.
  • Research, construct, interpret, and implement messages across multiple channels to inform, persuade, and engage a diverse audience.
  • Demonstrate the ability to understand and apply the various theoretical and pragmatic skills necessary to navigate social interactions within interpersonal, small group, public, cultural, workplace, and other contexts.
  • Analyze and explain how communication effects and creates gender, ethnic, cultural, and racial identities in self and others.