Catalog 2024-2025

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CSU General Education Breadth

2024-2025 Certification and Certificate of Achievement Advising Guide

Guide Directions: Check mark courses using Completed (C), In Progress (IP), Planned (P). Indicate Advanced Placement (AP) score 3 or higher where appropriate. Proof of AP and official transcripts will be required for transcription evaluation. “H” denotes an Honors course.

Golden Four: Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4 must be completed with a letter grade of “C” or better. Completion of the Golden Four and 60 transferable units with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 are required for CSU admission.

Area A: Oral Communication, Written Communication, and Critical Thinking – 3 courses

At least one course each from Area A1, A2, and A3. (3 semester or 4-5 quarter units from each Area)

Area Code C IP P
A1: Oral Communication | COMM 001, 001H, 007, 010, 010H, 020 A1      
A2: Written Communication | ENGL 001A A2      
A3: Critical Thinking/English Composition | COMM 004, 010, 010H, 020; ENGL 001B, 001C, 001CH; PHIL 002, 003, 017 A3      

Area B: Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning – 3 courses

9 semester/12 quarter units; one science course must have a laboratory.

Area Code C IP P
B1: Physical Sciences | ASTR 010, 011, 014, 020, 020H, 021, 021H, 022; BIOL 013; CHEM 001A, 001AH, 001B, 001BH002, 012A, 012B, 030A, 030B; 060; GEOG 001; GEOL 001A, 001B, 012, 015, 020; OCEA 010; PHYS 001, 002A, 002B, 004A, 004B, 004C, 005, 010; PSCI 010, 020 B1      
B2: Biological Sciences | ANTH 001; BIOL 002, 010+010L, 011, 012, 013, 014, 018, 022, 023, 024, 035, 036, 037, 038, 040, 041, 042, 043, 045, 047, 048, 055, 056, 058, 059; PSYC 002, 002H, 007 B2      
B3: Laboratory Activity | BIOL 002L, 050; GEOL 012 or any underlined course from List B1 or B2. B3      
B4: Quantitative Reasoning | MATH 000D, 000G, 001, 002, 003A, 003AH, 003B, 003BH, 004A, 004B, 004C, 010, 010H, 012, 014, 019, 080 B4      

Area C: Arts and Humanities – 3 courses required

9 semester or 12-15 quarter units: At least one from Arts (C1), one from Humanities (C2), and a third course from either C1 or C2.

Area Code C IP P
C1: Arts | ARCH 046, 047, 072; ARTS 001A, 001AH, 001B, 001BH, 001D, 001DH, 001E, 001G, 001J, 004, 007, 010, 012A, 012B, 013, 014, 095; DANC 061, 061H; FDAT 032, 088; MUSC 001, 001H, 002, 002H, 003A, 003B, 004A, 004B, 005, 007, 009, 010, 054, 055; THEA 010, 010H, 011A, 011B, 011C, 012, 013, 014A, 014B, 014C, 014D, 014E, 015, 016; WGQS 002 C1      

C2: Humanities | ARTS 095; ASLA 060A, 060B; ENGL 005A, 005B, 006A, 006AH, 006B, 006BH, 007A, 007B, 010, 012, 012H, 013, 013H, 014, 018, 018H, 021, 021H, 041, 041H, 043, 043H, 044, 046, 046H, 047, 047H, 048, 048H, 049, 049H, 071, 072; ETHN 001, 012, 012H, 013, 013H, 018; FRNC 001A, 001B, 002A, 002B, 003A, 003B, 051B; GERM 001A, 001B, 002A, 002B; HIST 004A, 004B, 005A, 005B, 012, 014, 016, 017A, 017B, 017BH, 020; HUMN 001, 001A, 001B; ITAL 001A, 001B, 002A, 050A, 050B; JPNS 001A, 001B; PHIL 001, 004, 005, 021, 022; SJST 001; SPAN 001A, 001B, 002A, 002B, 003A, 003B, 051A; THEA 013; WGQS 002, 003, 004A

C3: Choose Additional Course from C1 or C2 (not required for BIOL AS-T majors) C3      

Area D: Social and Behavioral Sciences – 2 courses required

6 semester or 8 quarter units.

Area Code C IP P
ADMJ 001, 026, 051; ANTH 002, 003, 003H, 004, 055; BUSN 061; CHST 002, 005, 063; COMM 012; COUN 050; ECON 001A, 001AH, 001B, 001BH; ETHN 001; GEOG 002, 006; HIST 004A, 004B, 005A, 005B, 012, 014, 016, 017A, 017B, 017BH, 020; HSCI 008, 010, 014; KINT 031, 033; 034; POLI 001, 001H, 002, 003, 003H, 004, 006; PSYC 001, 001H, 017, 025; SJST 001; SOCI 001, 002, 002H, 003, 012, 020, 028, 040, 045; WGQS 001, 001H, 002, 003, 004A D      

Area E: Lifelong Learning & Self-Development – 3 units minimum

Choose courses from the following to total at least three (3) units.

Area Code C IP P
CHST 002, 063; COMM 004, 008, 012; COUN 005, 012, 012C, 024, 050; HSCI 008, 010, 012, 014; KINS/KINA/DANC Up to 2 units allowed; KINT 033, 044; LIBR 004; LRSV 001; NUTR 015; PSYC 009, 012, 030; SOCI 003, 020, 040, 045 E      

Area F: Ethnic Studies

3 units minimum.

Area Code C IP P
ETHN/SJST 001; ETHN/ENGL 012, 012H, 013, 013H, 018 F      

Note: Although courses may be noted in multiple areas, a single course may be used to meet only one Area requirement.

CSU Graduation Requirements: It is not required by all CSU’s to complete American Institutions requirements prior to transfer but it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to complete one of the following sequences to meet these requirements prior to transfer.

Note: These courses meet their respective GE Area requirement (i.e., Area C2 or D) as well as the American Institution requirement.

American Institutions Requirement Options

HIST 012 + POLI 001 or 001H
HIST 014 + POLI 001 or 001H
HIST 016 + POLI 001 or 001H
HIST 017A + HIST 020
HIST 017A + POLI 001 or 001H
HIST 017B or 17BH + POLI 001 or 001H

Requirements are subject to change. Visit for a complete listing of courses approved for EACH academic year. For the most recent list of courses and details, please review the Articulation Web page.