Catalog 2024-2025

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Geology is for explorers, for people interested in their surroundings and in the physical processes that shape the land. Explorers study mountains and valleys, oceans and atmospheres, earth and life through time and the origins of the universe. Geology is a multidisciplinary science that applies the concepts of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and engineering to the natural world. The multidisciplinary approach is what makes geology exciting and challenging for students with broad scientific interests and curiosity of how natural systems work through time and space. The blend of scientific reasoning and historical perspective gives geologists an important role in society where they can apply their skills to the complex interaction of humans and the natural systems (geologic hazards and natural resources). The exploration of geology is a hands-on discipline that is realized by working with hand specimens in the lab and seeing the earth system through field experience. At 69ÂÜÀò, students of geology can choose from a variety of courses offered through the Geology and Oceanography programs.


Degree or Certificate ProgramAward TypeRequirements
Geology Associate in Science Degree for Transfer 60 units

GEOLOGY: For transfer information see and/or consult with a counselor.

The Faculty

Robert Lopez


  • Half-day and whole-day field trips in the San Francisco and Monterey Bay regions.
  • Field courses including camping trips that explore California geology.

Career Options

  • Engineering geology
  • Environmental geology
  • Geobiology
  • Geochemistry
  • Geophysics
  • Hydrogeology
  • Oceanography
  • Paleontology
  • Volcanology

Most job opportunities available to geology graduates are in the private industry of engineering geology (evaluating sites for homes, commercial buildings, highways, tunnels, and other construction), environmental geology (environmental impact studies, evaluation and remediation of contaminated sites), and hydrogeology (development and control of water resources). Geologists are also employed in the discovery and extraction of earth’s natural resources (oil, gas, coal, metallic and non-metallic ores). Government agencies (federal, state, county, and city) also employ geologists at all levels for planning and regulation (inspection and monitoring) activities. A degree in geology is an excellent background for teaching science at the secondary school level.

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