Catalog 2024-2025

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BIOL 043: Principles of Cell Biology

Course Description

This course, intended for majors, covers principles and applications of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure and function, taxonomy, viruses, biological molecules, homeostasis, cell reproduction and its controls, molecular genetics, genetic engineering, mitosis, cell metabolism including photosynthesis and respiration, cellular communication, and hypotheses of the origin of life. Laboratory exercises demonstrate lecture concepts, and offers practical experience in performing standard laboratory methods used in cell biology. The philosophy of science, methods of scientific inquiry and experimental design are foundational to the course. This course is designed to complete the preparation of the biology and pre-professional major for specialized upper division courses.

Units: 5

  • Credit - Degree Applicable
  • Transferable to both UC and CSU

Course Details

  • Grade Options: Letter Grade
  • In-Class Lecture Hours: 48 – 54
  • In-Class Lab Hours: 96 – 108

Requisites and Advisories

  • Prerequisites: CHEM 001A, MATH 106, BIOL 010 or CHEM 001A, MATH 106R, BIOL 010 or CHEM 001A, MATH 106, BIOL 011 or CHEM 001A, MATH 106R, BIOL 011
  • Co-Requisites: None
  • Advisory: None
  • Additional Requisite Information:
    The BIOL 010 or BIOL 011 prerequisite can be satisfied by the successful completion of any college biology course.
    The honors version of the same course may be used to satisfy a requisite requirement.

Transfer Details

  • CSU/UC: Transferable to both UC and CSU
  • WVC GE: Area A-5: Natural Sciences
  • CSU GE: Area B2 - Life Sciences
    Area B3 - Laboratory Activity- Lab course used from B1 or B2
  • UC/IGETC GE: Area 5B - Biological Sciences
    Area 5C – Laboratory
  • C-ID: BIOL 190 - Cell and Molecular Biology