Catalog 2024-2025

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ASTR 010: Solar System Astronomy

Course Description

This is a course in descriptive Astronomy, with emphasis on evolution, structure and behavior of the Solar System and its contents. The course commences with a study of the night sky including the motions of the Sun, Moon, planets and stars. The motions of the celestial bodies are explained in the historical context of geocentric and heliocentric models. The origins of the solar system are explored followed by a study of the Terrestrial planets utilizing comparative planetary geology. The atmospheres of the Terrestrials and Jovians are investigated, followed by an exploration of moons, ring systems, asteroids and comets.

Units: 3

  • Credit - Degree Applicable
  • Transferable to both UC and CSU

Course Details

  • Grade Options: Letter Grade, Pass/No Pass
  • In-Class Lecture Hours: 48 – 54
  • In-Class Lab Hours: 0

Requisites and Advisories

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Co-Requisites: None
  • Advisory: None

Transfer Details

  • CSU/UC: Transferable to both UC and CSU
  • WVC GE: Area A-5: Natural Sciences
  • CSU GE: Area B1 - Physical Sciences
  • UC/IGETC GE: Area 5A - Physical Sciences