Catalog 2024-2025

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ARTS 001BH: Honors Survey of Western Art II

Course Description

Honors Survey of Art II uses the pedagogical methods common to all Honors courses: interdisciplinary, writing-intensive, collaborative, and experiential instruction. As an honors course, there is a focus on analytical writing, exploring the work through primary source research. Additionally, there is an emphasis on a higher degree of student participation and leadership in class discussions and other interactive teaching/learning techniques that are generally not suitable for larger undergraduate classes. This course examines visual culture as it develops from the Early Renaissance in Italy and Northern Europe through Modern Art. Emphasis is given to the social, political, historical, and economic forces that give meaning and context to the art. The art is also examined through the lens of critical theory.

Units: 3

  • Credit - Degree Applicable
  • Transferable to both UC and CSU

Course Details

  • Grade Options: Letter Grade
  • In-Class Lecture Hours: 48 – 54
  • In-Class Lab Hours: 0

Requisites and Advisories

  • Prerequisites: None
  • Co-Requisites: None
  • Advisory: None

Transfer Details

  • CSU/UC: Transferable to both UC and CSU
  • WVC GE: Area A-3: Arts & Humanities
  • CSU GE: Area C1 - Arts
  • UC/IGETC GE: Area 3A - Arts
  • C-ID: ARTH 120 - Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Contemporary