Frequently Asked Questions

Add Codes

An add code is an alpha numeric code that will allow you to register for a course once it has started.

Add codes are issued by instructors and only become active when the course starts.

Prior to the 1st class meeting, students on the waitlist receive priority. Once the course starts, students with add codes receive priority.

To request an add code, please contact the course instructor by email. When contacting the instructor, please be sure to include your name, ID number and course CRN#.

Add codes are alpha numeric. Students are encouraged to copy/paste the number into their registration portal.

If you are experiencing difficulty using an add code, try testing combinations where the letter “O” can be used in place of the number “zero” or the letter “I” can be used in place of the number “1.”

If you need additional assistance, please contact an advisor via email.

User Guides

Course Overlap Petition

Course Overlap Petition is required when two classes overlap for more than 5 minutes. Students cannot register for classes that have an overlap of 5 minutes or more, without submitting a Course Overlap Petition.

Complete and submit the Course Overlap Petition on or after your appointed registration date, and be sure to attach a copy of your photo ID. The appeals committee meets once a week on Thursdays. Students are notified of their appeal status within 5-10 days of submission. Please be sure to submit your appeal early.

Form submission: wvc.admissionsFREEWEST_VALLEY

You can access the overlap petition on our Admissions homepage under forms.

The process generally takes 1 week to process, but the process can take up to 10 days for difficult cases.

Course Overload Request (18+ units)

Although 12 units is considered a full-time course load for financial aid, students may take up to 18 units of coursework.

Students wanting to take more than 18 units must meet with a counselor to review their Ed Plan and request a course overload waiver. If approved, your counselor will email the Admissions office at: wvc.admissionsFREEWEST_VALLEY with the following information:

  • Subject: Course Overload Approval
  • Student Name: Last Name, First Name
  • Student ID Number: G0#
  • Request: Please increase the number of units to [insert # of units] for the [insert Fall, Spring, etc.] term.
  • Verification of Student Identity: I confirm that I have viewed a copy of the student's ID before making this request.

Priority Registration Appeal Process

Send an email to wvc.admissionsFREEWEST_VALLEY with the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • College ID#
  • If you are not contacting us using your MyWVM email account, please attach a photo ID.
  • Did you complete all 3SP Requirements:
    • Orientation, Ed Plan and Guided Self-Placement
  • Are you part of a state or college identified group:
    • EOPS, CalWorks, DESP, Foster Youth, Homeless, Veterans, Athletes, ASG, Honors, TRiO, Puente, Umoja, International, Middle College, College Advantage, FYE
  • Do any of the following statements apply to you:
    • I am on Academic Probation or Dismissal.
    • I have more than 100 degree applicable units at West Valley-Mission College District.
    • I have an Associate's, Bachelor, Master's or higher degree.

Waitlist Information

A waitlist keeps track of students who are waiting to register for a course that is full. If a seat becomes available in the course, the student will be notified via email and will have 48 hours from the time of notification to register for the course.

Waitlists are active until the first class meeting day. If a seat does not become available while you are on the waitlist, you can contact the instructor on the first day of the term and inquire about an “Add Code.”

Before you waitlist:

  • Make sure all holds are cleared on your student account and your account is in good standing.
  • Complete a prerequisite verification for the course you want to join (if needed).

User Guide

  • (2-minute video)

Work in Progress

A is used if a student wants to register for a course at 69, but is in the process of completing the prerequisite course at another school.

Complete and submit the on or after your appointed registration date, and within 48 hours (excluding weekends) you will be contacted by an admissions advisor as to your registration status.

Once the prerequisite class is completed, a final transcript showing the grade needs to be sent to the Assessment Office in order to prevent the student from being dropped due to not completing the prerequisite.

Please contact the Assessment Office at wv.assessmentFREEWEST_VALLEY before the term begins to inform them of your situation to avoid being dropped.

Course design and pre-requisites are different between the two campuses. You can submit the West Valley Work in Progress form and will be registered for the class.

Note: You do not need to send a Mission College final transcript to the Assessment Office, as the grade information will be readily available in our system once posted.