
Disability and Educational Support

Learning Disability Assessment

Title 5 defines a learning disability as average to above average intellectual ability; with either a processing deficit and/or academic discrepancy.

  • Never been tested and have a history of academic difficulties?
  • Do you already receive DESP accommodations but would like more specific academic accommodations?
  • Reassessment for transfer?

Some students may benefit from updating their learning disability assessment documentation before transferring.

New to DESP?

  1. Complete the .
  2. Next, complete the DESP Intake Form.
  3. Finally, Call or email DESP to make an LD Intake appointment with a Learning Disability Specialist to see if an assessment is recommended.
  1. An LD Intake meeting – review learning needs and make recommendations for next steps.
  2. Academic and cognitive processing assessments (about three two-hour sessions).
  3. Results and eligibility meeting.

If you think you may have a learning disability, make an appointment with a learning specialist to see if assessment is recommended. The availability of Learning Disability assessments may vary. It is encouraged that students schedule a Learning Disability Intake early in the semester.

For more information, please contact DESP at (408) 741-2450 or despFREEWEST_VALLEY